Our Vision
Human Rights at Home.
The posits and norms of international law and human rights are not just a varnish on the human spirit; as institutions and states become increasingly intertwined and interdependent, these norms must penetrate to the very core of our existence in order to create a civil, just and sustainable world.
But these sources and precepts are still very young, with most developing only in the last century. With the advance of globalization and its attendant impacts on legal actors from all corners, many international legal issues remain unsettled, or are unidentified altogether.
The legitimacy of international law and human rights depends on innovative and scrupulous scholarship. By operating the first student-run and peer-reviewed journal of international law in the United States, the Rutgers Journal of International Law and Human Rights will reinvigorate the field.
ISSN Numbers
Print: 2690-2362
Online: 2690-2370